National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Community Arts Centre

Henderson House

45 Moreland Street, FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011 - Property No B1604

Interesting architectural design carried out in good stonework. Classified 26/11/1969 Revised: 03/08/1998



Former Court House

Community Arts Centre ,  Former Shire Hall ,  Keilor Community Arts Centre

777 Calder Freeway,, KEILOR VIC 3036 - Property No B3754

A bluestone hall of local historical and social significance as the earliest surviving Central Victorian Court House from the Public Works Department's post 1859 programme and as a focus of judicial and civic activity in Keilor since that date. It has served variously as a Court House, Municipal Offices and Community Centre. Despite a number of later additions and renovations, including later cement rendering, the Keilor Court House demonstrates an early and unusually simple ... more

